Thursday, April 19, 2012

Setup Example!

My thesis is done in the basement of my on-campus apartment so... it is ghetto-fabulous. I was doing this shot

And I thought to myself, "I should really show everyone what I am working in. That's always one of the big things that interest me about animated projects, especially stop motion." And so I give you an image of my set (during the same shot). Please excuse the quality. Since my camera is in use, I am using my iphone.

All in all, I do love my set. Especially my lighting rig. Made out of conduit and pipe, hanging from the ceiling by screws though the boards. Sounds ultra safe, right? I have it that way so it can be taken down at ease, when outside influences would require it.

I have 13 shots lefts and two and a half weeks to finish animation. If after May 6th I am still animating, expect a blog post where I curse myself for all eternity for not either getting more shots done in my allotted time or not starting earlier.

I have people working on my compositing and I have little sound work to do (three days worth, maybe) since my piece is so dialog driven (and I've had the final recording of dialog since the beginning). Now many would argue that sound should be almost half of your film and I guess I would to, but not on this schedule when I am the vast majority of the labor. I am not a sound guy. I can work with sound but that isn't my passion by far. Let's not forget I did technically work on getting that recording for six months so, yeah, plenty of time was spent on sound.

I should do a timelapse... I think I'll do one on my last shot. My last shot is REALLY hard for me and will take a couple days anyway. Just need to borrow a friend's camera and computer during it.

That's it for now. Obviously I am in a much better state of mind than I was last post. Next week is email LA week. I need to get pumped for that.

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