Okay. So it has been a few weeks since I last updated this blog. Off to a rocky start I guess.
The good news is I have about three hours of recording with Girly. I have her playing restaurant and teacher with my father, girlfriend, and me. She was priceless. She seemed to thrive off of positions of power when we role-play. She sets the rules and all of us who play with her have to follow. I wonder what she'll do if I set the rules and she must follow. I may get some weird stuff from her then.
I've been having talks with my advisor and he wants me to explore more of the "show and let her tell" technique I somewhat stumbled upon. If I show Girly a short video, and she likes it, she will start talking about it. Sometimes, it is as simple as recounting the story in her own way (cute enough as is). Other times she'll talk about how she would rather the ending go.
For example: I showed her an animated short I had completed for school in ten weeks. It's about a bunny who tries to eat some mutant flowers but the Momma mutant flower catches him and chases after him. She gets about halfway through, when the chase is happening, and begins to say, "I think it would be better if the Flower just wanted to be the Bunny's friend." For everyone who hasn't seen my short film, that's what happens (in a matter of speaking). The flower is only chasing after the bunny because if "wants" the bunny to shower its affections on. My plots are so predictable a 6 year old can figure them out.
Moving on, I wrote up a draft of my proposal, had my advisor look at it, met with him last thursday for feedback and I sent him a new draft earlier today. Just wanted to write that down somewhere as a reminder. I will also have a budget and schedule set up soon. I'll be posting my schedule as another reminder.
On to the GOOD NEWS. This summer, while I am recording hours upon hours of Girly, I also plan on working... sort of. I want an internship for the summer and have been kind of timid and sluggish about the search. I finally emailed the company that my advisor recommended and 14 minutes after I sent the email the guy called me. On the phone. It was great. And terrifying. I am going out there for an interview on the 8th of april. Oh out there, right, I didn't say where. Hmm. I guess I'll keep my mouth shut until they "hire" me. Okay, quick thing about this internship. It won't be one. Due to how the state I would be in for this internship, the boss can't say I am an intern unless I pay for the school credit that would go along with that; however, I am not made of money. As the alternative, I will be listed as a "volunteer". Sketch? Yes. Worth it? You betcha.
I'll have more updates after this internship thing gets sorted out.